Business Value of Employee Experience

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You Cannot Solve What You Do Not Understand

You Cannot Solve What You Do Not Understand

An instrumental part of solving the challenge of improving people’s experience of work is getting to know the people and the context and understanding the bases of their perceptions, motivations, and needs. Doing so typically requires a blended approach. Ask diverse...

Does Employee Experience Drive Business Impact?

Does Employee Experience Drive Business Impact?

Commitment to employee experience is growing. In our recent Human Experience of Work study, 90% of EX Leaders indicate increased organizational intent around understanding and improving people’s experiences of work. CEO and board attention; defined EX roles and...

Unlock ‘Manager Multiplier Effect’

Unlock ‘Manager Multiplier Effect’

Frontline managers play an instrumental role in organizations. They are the difference makers for customers and employees. Consequently, they have the most direct impact on business performance – especially during present times of economic uncertainty. Research shows...

Podcast: How to scale employee experience

Podcast: How to scale employee experience

TI People co-founder and chief executive Volker Jacobs is one of the world’s leading authorities on employee experience. As arguably the hottest topic in HR in 2020, Volker was approached by myHRfuture’s Digital Leaders podcast to discuss employee engagement and –...