Employee Experience studies & perspectives

Stay ahead of the curve with our latest Employee Experience insights, studies, news, and news from across the globe. Follow us also on LinkedIn to receive regular updates, detailing our perspectives and recommendations to meaningfully progress on Employee Experience.



TI PEOPLE partners with EX leaders to provide better experiences for people at work. Today, we are happy to announce that we are carving out our EX Intelligence and Operations solutions as a new company: FOUNT – Experiences Count. Companies are facing a revolution in...

You Cannot Solve What You Do Not Understand

You Cannot Solve What You Do Not Understand

An instrumental part of solving the challenge of improving people’s experience of work is getting to know the people and the context and understanding the bases of their perceptions, motivations, and needs. Doing so typically requires a blended approach. Ask diverse...

Does Employee Experience Drive Business Impact?

Does Employee Experience Drive Business Impact?

Commitment to employee experience is growing. In our recent Human Experience of Work study, 90% of EX Leaders indicate increased organizational intent around understanding and improving people’s experiences of work. CEO and board attention; defined EX roles and...

A defining moment for Employee Experience

A defining moment for Employee Experience

Companies know they need to be better in tune with what people at work want and need – whether triggered by the demands of COVID-19, hybrid working plans or from the ongoing reality of competing on talent in the experience-based economy. We can venture to say that...

The EXploration so far

The EXploration so far

Over 200 EX leaders and practitioners have joined one of our EXploration workshops in the last eight weeks. This is what they have discovered so far... EXploration Classes 1 & 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5mzLIhWPFI In Class #1, tight breakout groups and a...

Unlock ‘Manager Multiplier Effect’

Unlock ‘Manager Multiplier Effect’

Frontline managers play an instrumental role in organizations. They are the difference makers for customers and employees. Consequently, they have the most direct impact on business performance – especially during present times of economic uncertainty. Research shows...

Podcast: How to scale employee experience

Podcast: How to scale employee experience

TI People co-founder and chief executive Volker Jacobs is one of the world’s leading authorities on employee experience. As arguably the hottest topic in HR in 2020, Volker was approached by myHRfuture’s Digital Leaders podcast to discuss employee engagement and –...

Empower skill building and career development for every employee

Empower skill building and career development for every employee

Operating and competing in a period of dramatic social, economic and technological change means companies are facing great upheaval to the way work is done and the skills required to undertake that work. Employees’ success depends on the ability to acquire new skills,...

Managing candidate and new-hire experience for business impact

Managing candidate and new-hire experience for business impact

Dramatic macro-economic environmental shifts over the last 10-15 years have fundamentally changed how individuals relate to organizations. For talent acquisition, business leaders face a perfect storm:  The very sophisticated personalized, digital, consumer...

Employee Experience: What to expect in 2020

Employee Experience: What to expect in 2020

55% of Global 2000 CHROs put Employee Experience (EX) in their list of priorities for 2019. Focussing on enabling productivity, wellbeing and profitability has meant the employee experience discipline has matured rapidly in the last twelve months. But what do...

State of EX Study 2019: What is the state of Employee Experience?

State of EX Study 2019: What is the state of Employee Experience?

Introducing TI People’s State of Employee Experience research report Redefining HR as a people success function, Employee Experience (EX) is to Human Resources what Customer Experience is to Marketing and Sales: the face of the future. Over the last two years, TI...

Six takeaways from the Davos of HR

Six takeaways from the Davos of HR

Six takeaways from the Davos of HR This week, the TI People team and I travelled to Nice, France, to join 800 HR professionals at the fourth annual HR Congress. Partners of the congress since its inception, TI People were delighted to showcase some of the world's...

The Data Universe of Employee Experience

The Data Universe of Employee Experience

We know a lot about EX – are we done? Customer Experience has become the new face of Marketing, Sales, and Customer Service. Employee Experience (EX) promises to redefine HR into a people success function. Reason enough to explore the power of employee experience in...